What is FormaV and How will it Help Me?
Forma V is one of the may services Dr. Gitiforooz proudly offers at her practice. This procedure works by tightening the vaginal canal while promoting collagen regrowth. The vaginal rejuvenation procedure helps to improve dryness, sensitivity, elasticity, painful intercourse, weak blood flow, and many other symptoms. Overall, may women choose the FormaV procedure to improve functionality and vaginal aesthetics. This procedure can help improve a woman’s self-esteem, decrease problems with urinary incontinence, pain, discomfort, and so much more!
How will It Help With Vaginal Rejuvenation?
During the procedure, FormaV uses radiofrequency energy to help improve vaginal tightness and aesthetics. The use of radiofrequency energy is important to the procedure because it helps reach the underlying layers of the tissues and firm lax tissues in order to be able to stimulate vaginal tightening. The magic works by creating new collagen and elastin fibers while enhancing the appearance of your vagina. FormaV can help improve vaginal laxity, discomfort, dryness, painful intercourse, urinary incontinence, lack of pleasure, and decreased vaginal lubrication.
What Should I Expect From FormaV?
Before FormaV is performed, the length of the vaginal canal is measured to ensure the FormaV wand is not inserted any further than it should be. Topical numbing solution is applied to the vaginal canal and lubrication gel is applied to the wand prior to insertion. After the wand is inserted, it is slowly rotated around the canal to ensure all areas are treated evenly with radiofrequency, as needed. As the radiofrequency is being distributed, collagen realignment and contractions down the entirety of the vaginal canal are promoted. After the procedure, you may resume your normal activity. Length of time for the procedure can vary from patient to patient depending on the patients specific plan of care. Post-treatment symptoms may include slight discomfort and should not last more than a few days.
Overall Outcome of FormaV Treatment
After just one session of FormaV treatment, many women notice a difference in the way they feel. Typically, 3 treatments are required to promote optimal results. This procedure is very safe and effective but is not for everyone. Dr. Gitiforooz will consult with each person interested in this procedure and determine if this is the best plan of care for that individual. She will listen to the concerns of the patient, examine them, and give her expert opinion on the best treatment plan. Candidates for FormaV treatments will be informed of the benefits, and what will take place before, during and after the procedure. If you or any woman you know is interested in the FormaV treatment, schedule your consult with Dr. Gitiforooz today! Not only is this procedure painless, the results may help you feel more self-confident and comfortable in your own body!